MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS): Movements improved after wheatgrass extract applied to affected musculature

About multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a slowly progressive disease that has a negative effect on the brain and spinal cord. It is called a "demyelinating" disease because of the patchy destruction of myelin - the coating around the nerve that accelerates electrical impulses passing along it.

Nerve cells send electrical signals along their axons (conduction channels) to specific targets such as muscle cells. Many of these cells are covered with a fatty substance called the "myelin sheath" that enhances nerve conduction about 50 times faster than unmyelinated nerve axons. In multiple sclerosis, this sheath becomes damaged through demyelination, disrupting nerve function.

Some effects of MS

There can be numerous symptoms such as muscle weakness, numbness, visual and emotional disturbances. The course of the illness is highly variable and unpredictable. However, some medications can reduce the severity of the disease. Wheatgrass extract has assisted recovery of a number of these patients when nothing else had helped.

Some positive effects of wheatgrass

Since 1995, I have successfully treated a number of these patients with this condition by applying wheatgrass extract over affected areas. For example:-

Case No. 1.

A nurse, a mother with three young children - courageously struggling through half a day's work, twice a week - suffered severe chronic fatigue and spent most of her time resting when her children weren't at home.

However, after taking wheatgrass extract daily for about two weeks she called me - excited. She had just spent all day walking around the Melbourne Royal Showground with her children and felt on top of the world! The year before, she had to be pushed in a wheelchair.

In 2002, I noted: “Several reports from other sources have provided equally significant improvement in fatigue with fewer and less severe, relapses. One 54 year old male patient who had permanent neurological symptoms remained in remission for two years, but relapsed when he stopped taking the wheatgrass extract."

Case No. 2.

A young woman had suffered from MS for a number of years, with loss of sensation and numbness in both hands -a significant disability. I had sent her some of my wheatgrass extract a month earlier which she had been taking three times a day. (Later, I discovered she would have done better by only taking it once or twice weekly.)

She rang me to say how delighted she was that she had burnt her hand - because she had felt pain for the first time for five years!  It appeared that the MS-damaged nerves supplying sensation to her hands were beginning to recover, suggesting that damaged or dysfunctional cellular receptors that continuously inform the brain of what's happening throughout the body, had failed. Ligands present in wheatgrass extract had apparently re-connected these receptors to the brain.

(She subsequently regained full sensation in both hands. August 22, 2007 - View testimonial)

Case No. 3.

Another young woman suffering for 17 years also reported rapid recovery from fatigue, restored almost normal physical activities. She also claimed her hair and facial skin were now “glowing”. Even her partner and friends had noticed how well she looked. Apparently, re-connection of numerous dysfunctional cell receptors to the brain had occurred.

How does wheatgrass work for MS?

In laboratory animals it has been shown that barley grass (similar to wheatgrass) increases production of growth hormone and the hormone prolactin (which stimulates breast milk production) via the pituitary gland at the base of the brain, thereby influencing recovery of dysfunctional nerve tissue.

However, instead of wheatgrass extract increasing prolactin levels in MS patients, it is far more likely the ligands it contains re-connect dysfunctional cell receptors to the brain having a "normalising" effect.

How should I treat my MS with wheatgrass?

For weakened muscles apply a little wheatgrass extract over the affected area(s) once weekly and persevere, and do the same for painful, stiff muscles. This can relax affected muscles and relieve pain. Also, avoid over-treating, because it is unnecessary to do so.

Also, if possible, take wheatgrass extract (Supershots) for positive "whole body" effect - 2.5ml (half a teaspoonful) on alternate days - and persevere.

>> View some multiple sclerosis testimonials

Dr. Chris Reynolds.

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