Back pain testimonials (4)


I have extremely painful Sciatica that shoots like electric shocks from my bottom and down my right leg to my ankle 24/7. This is due to referred pain from my lower back as I have bulging discs. My daughter suggested I try your super balm which she had in her cupboard and in two days it has relieved the chronic pain by about 40%. What is your suggestion on what I should use and would the shots be helpful too. I am amazed. I have been on Steroids , Lyrica, Mobic and god knows what over the past 3 years with no relief. I am at my whits end with this.

L. Australia. 26 August, 2017

Husbands back is almost pain free

J. 9 November, 2016  Thanks to Amazon

I have been using the Super Balm on my lower back due to Osteoarthritis and slight scoliosis. This gets me from moving painfully in the mornings to much more ease of movement (without the discomfort) and able to cope with any moving and bending throughout the day. I have also been taking the Super Shots and have managed to

miss out on the colds that have been doing the rounds this winter - now all I have to do is convince my husband and kids to start taking it.

I cannot recommend the products more strongly - they are a "God send".

W. New Zealand. 4 August, 2015

I did a lot of heavy work by moving stones in my garden. I suffered pain in my upper and lower back and was intending to book into the chiropractor after the weekend.

A friend rubbed some of Dr Wheatgrass cream on my back and I was totally amazed when about one hour later the pain was gone

I will be buying this product as a standby for any future occourrences. Thank you.

C. Australia. September, 2007