Wheatgrass extract can help relieve aches, pains & muscle stiffness

Pain-reducing (analgesic) drugs such as paracetamol (Panadol/ Tylenol) and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen (Brufen) and diclofenac (Voltaren), may provide relief for a few hours, but negative side effects can sometimes be severe. However, sufferers of niggling aches and pains, stiffness, back pain etc., can reduce or eliminate pain and improve movement, by lightly applying wheatgrass extract e.g. Supersbalm - to affected area(s).

Light application several times a day over painful muscles and joints, particularly in the lower back, can do much to reduce pain and stiffness.

The extract can also soften and loosen up stiff fingers, the back and all other affected joints, as well as hasten recovery of swollen joints and bruised areas. Also, bruising and pain caused by anticoagulants and other drugs can be relieved by applying a little wheatgrass extract over painful area(s) - as required. This can also help repair damaged skin.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.

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