Skin cancer accounts for 45 to 80% of all equine (horse) cancers, the most common type being sarcoid tumours. Wikipedia
Applying just a small amount of wheatgrass extract over the affected area(s) once a week can help remove these tumours and heal surrounding damaged skin, as shown in Case No. 1.

(Note: "Dermawheat" is an older product brand which is now "Dr Wheatgrass".) Cansema (black salve), effectively removed the sarcoid growth at the base of this horse's ear but left an open wound that had still not healed after three months. However, daily application of wheatgrass extract healed the wound completely after 5 weeks. (Further use of the extract has shown that a once a weekly application is significantly more effective.)
Note: Sarcoid wounds can be difficult to heal using Cansema because of damage the drug can cause to surrounding skin and underlying tissue.
Case No. 2.

The owner of this horse was pleased to say that: "One of my horses had two sarcoids; one on her muzzle, the other on her hamstring. Dr Wheatgrass cream cleared them both up in a matter of weeks. I applied a small amount twice a day."
Georgia. Australia.
Learn more about using wheatgrass extract for treating animal injuries.