What is gangrene?
Gangrene, (necrosis, or death of tissue short of death of the patient) usually develops from bacterial infection or obstruction of blood flow to various areas - particularly the hands and feet.
If blood supply is cut off, the tissue becomes “necrotic” i.e. some of the tissue dies due to loss of blood circulation which is essential for providing nutrients and oxygen to the body.
Predisposing factors to gangrene include diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, smoking and frostbite, where blood circulation to a particular area of the body is compromised, such as the feet.
Wheatgrass prevents amputation of a gangrenous foot
This patient's irreversible damage and loss of blood circulation to his toe, (we can see how black it appears in the other photos), amputation of the whole forefoot was considered due to the risk of gangrene that often spreads to adjacent normal tissue.
Wheatgrass extract can rapidly repair damage to the micro-circulation, (i.e. the tiny blood vessels that are crucial for maintaining the skin's functionality) was applied to the affected area on alternate days.

In the two photos above, (Figures 2 and 3), blood supply to the wound (red coloration) has improved - a sign that healing is progressing. Amputation of the forefoot will no longer be necessary. In Figure 4 below, the big toe has been amputated and the forefoot now is receiving normal blood circulation, the whole wound having healed well.