EARACHE: Wheatgrass extract rapidly relieves pain

When a young child suffers from earache (otitis media), the pain can be severe, resisting standard treatments such as aspirin and paracetamol. But, there is a better, quicker and easier way to relieve the pain.

For example, a 6 year old boy brought in to my office by his mother was screaming with pain, holding his hand over his ear. He had a fever, and his ear drum was severely inflamed. For three days and nights his frought mother did her best to comfort him.

Examination revealed a glowing red, quite large blister on his eardrum, (as in the photograph), a condition called bullous myringitis that is almost invariably untreatable without using strong analgesics. He also had a high fever.

bullous myriingitis - a cause of earache
Bullous myringitis. A common cause of earache. Note the painful blister on the surface of the eardrum. 

There is little a doctor can do to relieve this very painful condition. However, about five minutes after I inserted two drops of wheatgrass extract into the child's ear, he stopped crying, and had fallen asleep.

The next day, his fever had gone and the blister on his eardrum was no longer visible.

This case shows how quickly and effectively wheatgrass extract can work for what is frequently a difficult problem for any doctor to overcome. It is also completely safe.

I have used this treatment many times to good effect, for both children and adults.

>> More about wheatgrass extract lowering fever

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Dr. Chris Reynolds.