Case No.1.

Mother’s Story:
"My daughter B is doing very well. Wheatgrass extract has made a huge difference to her molluscums and I’m really glad I bought it. When they applied Cantharone (acidy stuff) on her lesions of her abdomen and legs they had blistered up and left raw skin after popping which was very painful."
"I had just received wheatgrass extract around that time and started using it straight away. Before that I had noticed little molluscums started forming again so just as well i received it right away. I applied it everyday and noticed after a week the difference. It stopped spreading and growing any further. I am still religiously applying wheatgrass."
Case No. 2.

Dr. Chris Reynolds’ comment about using cantharone:
The Food and Drug Administration in the United States considers Cantharone (cantharadin) to be “dangerous” and “an extremely toxic chemical”. They have not approved its use. By comparison, wheatgrass extract is shown here to be effective without damaging the child's skin.
Cantharone is extracted from beetles and is sometimes used for killing the wart virus. It is also very expensive. By comparison, molluscum in most cases, responds well to wheatgrass, which is non-toxic and easy to apply.