CRAMPS: Apply wheatgrass extract for faster relief

Everyone's had a cramped muscle at some time or other, but for many sufferers, they occur frequently, causing distressful pain that is almost impossible to relieve.

Cramps often occur in:

•    The elderly - about 30% over age 60 and 50% over 80 - mostly at night. They are often related to medication such as cholesterol and fluid (diuretic) tablets.
•    Pregnancy - around 45% of expectant mothers suffer from cramps, particularly in the later stages.
•    Sports men, women and children, when they are frequent.

Cramps usually involve the calf or thigh muscles and the feet. Although there are drugs such as quinine that may help prevent them, very little, if anything, works to ease the pain. Icing, stretching, massage - none of these help much.

So what can be done?

My way is to use wheatgrass extract. Applied on the overlying skin of areas at "risk" before physical activity helps prevent cripplingly tight muscles.  Also, if you suffer from nocturnal cramps, rub in a little wheatgrass over each calf before bed. Also apply it as soon as the cramp comes on. It can be very effective.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.

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