About osteitis pubis (OP)
Osteitis pubis is a condition that causes severe, often crippling pain in the groin. It can seriously inhibit physical performance - but it can be cured.
OP pain usually originates from inflammation of the insertion of the large adductor muscles into the pubic bone deep in the groin – so-called adductor tendonitis. These muscles are located on the inside of the thigh and are responsible for pulling the leg in towards the midline. (See figure) Pain can arise while exercising or even when at rest. The affected area may be very sensitive to the touch.
One of the least understood injuries in sports medicine, OP can be a major challenge for doctors, physiotherapists, trainers and other sports-related health professionals.
Why? Because they know there is little can be done to cure it other than surgery, which cannot be guaranteed either.

All manners of treatment exist such as ice, heat, rest, exercise, massage, oral and topical anti-inflammatory medication, but results are usually disappointing, so that OP can persist for a long time.
Case History: Wheatgrass works for osteitis pubis
A 40 year old jockey suffering from groin pain since age 10 came in because his pain was so severe he couldn't work. A surgeon had found no abnormality, but there was marked pain from his right leg movement and exquisite tenderness over the insertion of the adductor muscle tendon - the common source of OP pain.
After applying a little wheatgrass extract over his tender areas he soon regained full movement of his leg from the hip, and walked out pain-free ("For the first time in 30 years!")
At follow up a month later, re remained pain-free .
How does wheatgrass work for pain?
Laboratory research suggests wheatgrass extract can block Substance P - a widespread pain transmitter, throughout the body. If for instance we burn ourself on a hotplate, Substance P is rapidly released at the site causing rapid transmission of pain to the brain, and we withdraw the hand.
Similarly, applying wheatgrass to the groin for osteitis pubis can prevent the pain reaching the brain.
Given how rapidly wheatgrass works in this and many other pain cases, the theory of "disordered musculo-skeletal mechanics" being the cause of OP pain, I think needs review.