MELANOMA – SEVERE RADIOTHERAPY BURNS: Rapid pain relief on application of wheatgrass extract

radiation burn pre-wheatgrass treatment
Severe radiation burn showing raw, open wound 3 days after last treatment. Patient in severe pain with no relief from Sorbolene cream). (1 Feb. 2016)
Same day. Marked radiation burn over treated area. Note light coloured horizontal scar from initial melanoma excision one year ago.
Same day. Marked radiation burn over treated area. Note light coloured horizontal scar from initial melanoma excision one year ago.
Same day, after shower. Wheatgrass extract applied and pain was relieved instantly.
Same day, after shower. Wheatgrass extract applied and pain was relieved instantly.
After 2 days' wheatgrass extract application. Swelling & inflammation markedly reduced. Wound healing well.
After 2 days' wheatgrass extract application. Swelling & inflammation markedly reduced. Wound healing well.
wheatgrass extract quickly heals radiation burns and relieves pain
After 5 days wheatgrass, patient pain free, inflammation markedly reduced.
16 days. Inflammation and pain-free.
16 days. Inflammation and pain-free.

Testimonial from the patient's wife

My husband underwent radiotherapy following secondary melanoma.

His radiotherapy burns were severe and the area under his armpit was like raw steak and he was in a lot of pain. I felt the traditional treatment of Sorbolene was locking in the heat and adding to his discomfort and delaying his healing.

As a registered Nurse, I discussed this with my sister also an R.N but well versed in alternative medicine and she suggested I get Wheatgrass extract.  I was sceptical but desperate.  Well no longer - he got immediate relief, the healing process was rapid and he was able to sleep.  It is the greatest support to the healing process and pain relief.  I am now a total supporter. Dr. Chris you are a genius. Thank you.

Kind regards,

T. C. Western Australia. 18 February 2016


This is a typical healing response to radiation burns ("skin toxicity") when applying wheatgrass extract - preferably before and after treatment. Rapid pain relief, effective pain prevention, inflammation reduction and accelerated wound healing are standard results. In fact, in an Australian clinical study, wheatgrass extract was seen to significantly reduce or eliminate radiation burn pain.

Dr. Chris Reynolds.

>> Read more about radiation therapy. (Wikipedia)

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