This anecdote is about how I injured myself and how wheatgrass enabled me to drive home.
One Sunday I was running around the park playing with my young son when I was suddenly crippled by severe pain in my calf. It stopped me in my tracks and I realised I had torn my gastrocnemius or calf muscle.
I wondered how I could possibly drive home, let alone work the next day. I couldn't walk! Pain due to this type of injury can sometimes persist for weeks,
Somehow, I managed to drive using the wrong foot on the accelerator and brake pedal. When I got home, I immediately rubbed some wheatgrass extract over the painful area. Amazingly, within an hour the pain began to ease, and had almost gone by the next morning, and I could still make my usual five floor climb up the stairway to my office. In a couple of days I was running completely pain-free.
Now, every time I see a pulled hamstring or monkey muscle (gastrocnemius) on the field or on TV, I wince. The sudden onset of excruciating pain, often from a minor injury, can stop an athlete in his or her tracks, and they can be off the field for weeks or even months. Treatments such as physiotherapy and massage inevitably follow, but often to little avail. However, these injured individuals can get back on their feet again simply be treating themselves wheatgrass extract.
In Australia, the preferred treatment for pulled muscles is to tightly apply an ice pack over the injury - and to rest the injured part. However, this method does little to accelerate recovery. Bleeding into muscle and other tissues after injury is the scourge of the sporting world, because it can take a long time for the patient to recover.
But if ice doesn't help, what else can?
What I do is to immediately apply a little wheatgrass extract over the injured area. Also, prevention being much better than cure, apply wheatgrass over vulnerable areas BEFORE running on to the field.
How does wheatgrass heal an injury? Most likely by stopping deep-seated bleeding and swelling and accelerating the healing process by notifying the brain of its presence.
Finally, prevention being much better than cure, apply wheatgrass extract over leg muscles prior to exercise. This simple action relaxes the muscles and helps prevent injury. It also prolongs exercise tolerance so the athlete can run further and longer without suffering adverse effects.