I gave him some wheatgrass extract to apply to the wound once daily and to return for review in two weeks. To my amazement, the wound had completely healed as shown in the picture on the right. However, because it stung when he applied the extract, he only applied it once!
In those early days of using wheatgrass extract for healing wounds, I had little understanding of how the extract worked, but time has explained how it does. Essentially, it appears that the many ligands it contains reconnect dysfunctional cellular receptors to the brain, so that when reconnection occurs, the brain is able to respond accordingly.
Dr. Chris Reynolds says:
P. S. This case helps to explain why "less is best" when treating wounds (and many other conditions). For instance, if treating conditions such as diabetic leg ulcers, venous ulcers etc. the extract should only be applied once a week - not daily.