Remarkable injury and pain recovery
A young male fell off his skateboard 6 days earlier and suffered a minor crack fracture of his knee cap. He made his way in on crutches with considerable difficulty. His right leg was very painful, stiff and unmovable with severe tenderness behind the knee. Bruising around the area showed there had been considerable bleeding. His quadricep muscles were already beginning to waste due to non-use. He had been advised to stay off work for at least six weeks.
The knee was grossly swollen and any attempt to move the joint evoked severe pain. I sprayed wheatgrass extract over the area and spread it lightly without massaging. About five minutes later I helped him off the couch where he sat on a chair with his leg fully extended and stiff. Reluctant to try and bend his knee, I encouraged him to and he carefully tried again. To his amazement, he could bend it well past ninety degrees - pain-free! He then walked out of my room using only one crutch for support.
After a bit of exercise and physiotherapy, I expected him to return to work well before six weeks.
The patient was amazed at the result, but having used wheatgrass many times successfully for injuries, I have come to learn what to expect.
In fact, had the extract been applied at the time of injury instead of a week later, he would most likely have been walking without crutches by the time I saw him. Instead, he had to take time off work.
The potential savings for employers, insurance companies, sporting clubs etc. could be substantial, simply by keeping wheatgrass cream or spray handy.