My theory on how wheatgrass extract heals

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. Click pic for CV.


Since 1995, I have used a particular type of wheatgrass extract that accelerated the healing of a broad spectrum of medical conditions and injuries - often when standard treatments failed. For example, these conditions not only recovered rapidly, with no adverse side effects.

Impossible? Not really - because the extract, which contains at least 20 ligands, apparently reconnects dysfunctional peripheral cellular receptors to the brain, which then responds appropriately - often instantaneously.

The extract also heals well and eliminates pain in many conditions, often when standard medical treatments have failed, such as venous leg ulcers, second-degree burns, and leprosy ulcers.

For instance, in Figure 1, the extract has almost instantaneously relieved the patient's pain caused by a minor second-degree burn, and has hastened its healing. Also, the blister has remained intact (it hasn't burst), so that wound infection has been prevented. If you compare the minor burn with the severe radiation burns shown in Figure 2, both injuries have healed rapidly, and pain is absent.

Fig. 1. Wheatgrass extract relieves first-degree burn pain allowing ear stud re-insertion several minutes later.
Fig. 1. Wheatgrass extract relieves first-degree burn pain allowing ear stud re-insertion several minutes later.

Also, in Figure 2, the patient has suffered severe, deep radiation burns that would normally take several weeks or even months to heal completely. Apparently however, ligands in the wheatgrass extract have re-connected damaged, dysfunctional cellular receptors to the patient's brain thereby enabling it to respond by restoring his severely damaged skin. Note also the absence of inflammation in the picture on the right (the patient is also pain-free), and the recovery of the burn wounds, just two weeks after the injury. (View case.)

Fig. 2. Healing of severe 2nd degree radiotherapy burns has occurred just 2 weeks after application of wheatgrass extract to affected areas.  

How does the extract work?

Apparently, at least 20 different ligands present in the extract assist re-connection of dysfunctional cellular receptors to the brain (e.g. in Fig. 2.) Also, in the short list of "recovered" conditions below, there has been reactivation of numerous dysfunctional cellular receptors. 

Click here to see numerous conditions where wheatgrass extract has served well

How wheatgrass extract apparently works

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) prevents most drugs (other than very small molecules) from directly influencing the brain. However, ligands present in wheatgrass extract appear to reactivate dysfunctional cellular receptors, enabling them to reconnect to the brain.

Ligands are molecules that activate cellular-receptor DNA to release neurotransmitters that send sensory messages such as pain, pressure, taste, vision, touch etc., to the brain.

For instance, in Figure 4, "dysfunctional" connections to the brain from skin, lungs, intestines, liver, heart etc. could lead to widespread dysfunction of many, or possibly all bodily organs. However, by simply applying ligand-rich wheatgrass extract over affected area(s), or by taking the extract orally, numerous observations prove that these essential functions can be rapidly restored.

Wheatgrass extract ligands restore dysfunctional contacts between peripheral cellular receptors and the brain.
Fig. 4. This diagram demonstrates how ligands in wheatgrass extract apparently reconnect dysfunctional organs, or parts thereof, to the brain. Restoration of other organs e.g. heart, liver, uterus, lungs, intestine etc. appears to work in a similar way.

Famous scientist proves that ligands in wheatgrass extract influence gene expression

Prof. "Panos" Ioannou.

On 28th July, 2004, the late Professor Panayiotus (Panos) Ioannou, a famous scientist working at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, was stunned to see my therapeutical wheatgrass extract remarkably induce production of fetal hemoglobin in murine mice - apparently by influencing gene expression by cellular receptors signalling the brain. (Like an “on/off switch”.) When carefully observed, positive changes to numerous biological processes can be seen to "normalise" dysfunctional tissues. (See Figure 3. Wheatgrass inductions of clones.)

Panos was pleased to inform me that: “Our measurements suggest a 3-5 fold increase in the production of fetal hemoglobin by the wheatgrass extract. This is a substantial increase and could certainly provide an explanation why some thalassaemic patients may derive significant benefit from it.” 

"These results," he continued, "albeit in vitro, have increased the possibility that the beneficial effects of freshly juiced wheatgrass noted by Marwaha, et al. [an Indian hematologist], may be due to the induction of gamma-globin chain synthesis, leading to greater fetal hemoglobin content in the red cell (In other words, IT INFLUENCES GENE EXPRESSION.")

He continued, "This hypothesis needs further study, because it holds the promise of some very exciting and simple therapeutic possibilities that may preclude the need for repeated blood transfusions.”

The Professor in time was proven to be perfectly correct about the therapeutic possibilities of the extract (many cases of which can be seen on this website). He also strongly supported my own theory that wheatgrass extract heals by reactivating dysfunctional cellular receptors throughout the body. (See Fig. 5 below.)

Fig. 5. Wheatgrass extract - Induction of clones.

Panos, only aged 54, tragically succumbed to cancer on 18 April, 2005, but he left us with his discovery of the extraordinary biological functions created by wheatgrass extract that have  restored a remarkably broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries. (See, my common and rare conditions and injuries that respond positively to wheatgrass extract.)

Strangely, Panos' scientific colleagues ignored his "discovery", claiming that ethanol was the "magical" cause of recovery - when, in my clinic, it was obvious that the extract was making extraordinray recoveries of a large spectrum of medical conditions and injuries. Later, I would discover that it was most likely ligands in the extract were reconnecting dysfunctional cellular receptors to the brain - hence the numerous, often instantaneous recoveries of skin conditions, wounds, and numerous other physiological dysfunctions - when standard treatments had failed.

How does wheatgrass extract ease pain and heal so many medical conditions and injuries?

In Figure 5, we see how cell receptors signal pain from a pin prick in the skin to the brain via the neurotransmitter, Substance P. The "victim" instantly withdraws his/her hand, but if wheatgrass extract is applied to the painful area, pain eases quickly because of the negative effect of Substance P preventing it from reaching the brain.

Note: Many "infertile" women have conceived after taking a small dose of wheatgrass extract daily, possibly by 'normalising' the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. (HPA).

More examples of wheatgrass extract healing

Effective closure of leprosy ulcers has defied "modern medicine" for many years. For example, all attempts at treating this patient's 8-year-old leprous ulcer, (Fig. 6.) had failed completely. My wheatgrass extract then healed the patient's wound in five months. (View more cases.)

 Fig. 4.  'Unhealable' leprosy wound present 15 years in 60 year old female heals after 4 once a monthly applications of wheatgrass extract.  (View 6 more cases)
Fig. 7. A spider bite heals after 9 years' failed orthodox medical treatment, after application of wheatgrass extract to the wound.   

Next, in this psoriatic case (Fig. 8.) we see a different, but interesting response to the wheatgrass extract.

The patient's lesions have resisted many types of skin treatments, including 15 years of topical steroids that have severely thinned and damaged the skin's protective properties, but also it's ability to re-connect to the brain. Then, after 2 months' treatment (twice monthly) with the wheatgrass extract, the lesions have darkened significantly, and enlarged. However, this is not because the patient's skin has worsened. Instead, the wheatgrass extract has "re-activated" cellular receptors around the affected areas, "notifying" the brain (via cellular receptors) that blood supply to the area is insufficient and slowing healing. It appears the brain has then responded by restoring normal blood supply to affected areas, thereby causing the "darkened" spots.

On the right, it appears that the blood circulation to his dorsal skin has increased significantly, hence the darkening of the lesions. So, instead of this being a negative sign, we're actually seeing effective recovery.

Psoriasis. Effect of wheatgrass extract on chronic psoriasis.

Fig. 8. Psoriasis. 10 years. The lesions on the left are dry, insipid and lack vitality. However, after two months wheatgrass extract application, the lesions on the right are now deeply coloured and enlarged, suggesting restoration of blood supply to the area, suggesting that healing was progressing. Further follow-up was not achieved.

In my many years' experience of using the wheatgrass extract therapeutically, for instance, healing topical steroid skin damage, (and many other conditions) treatment should be directed to re-connecting dysfunctional cellular receptors that have been destroyed or damaged by topical steroids, to the brain. This may take several months, but eventually the skin recovers.

Remember, when using wheatgrass extract, "less is best"

Using wheatgrass extract sparingly is best when treating all medical conditions and injuries - internally and externally. For example, in Figure 7, a supposedly "incurable" spider bite wound that defied all treatment for nine years, has healed completely, three months after commencement of wheatgrass extract treatment.

Also, the young woman in Figure 9 had suffered from psoriasis for three years, but topical steroids failed her. But, once wheatgrass extract was applied once weekly, her skin recovered completely in four months. Compared with the patient in Figure 8, the remarkable response of this teenage girl's skin to wheatgrass extract is remarkable.

Last, but not least, most drug treatments for psoriasis (and eczema) such as topical steroids, should, in my view, be avoided. Although they may reduce inflammation, they do nothing to restore the skin's damaged structure and multiple functions. In fact, they do more damage and expose the skin to infection.

Fig. 9. Peri-umbilical psoriasis in a 17-year-old female, present 2 years. Unresponsive to topical steroids and numerous other treatments. Healed by wheatgrass extract in 4 months with once weekly application.
Fig. 9. Peri-umbilical psoriasis in a 17-year-old female, present 2 years. Unresponsive to topical steroids and numerous other treatments. Healed by wheatgrass extract in 4 months with once weekly application.

Wheatgrass extract removes psoriatic plaques, restoring skin almost to normal in 2 weeks

Fig. 10. Severe psoriasis unresponsive to medical treatment responds remarkably well to wheatgrass extract.
Fig. 10. Severe psoriasis unresponsive to medical treatment responds remarkably well to wheatgrass extract.

Just two weeks after wheatgrass extract was applied to the affected area, (Fig. 13.) there has been remarkable recovery of the patient's skin after two applications. The large areas of thick plaque have almost disappeared, revealing normal skin underneath. This suggests there has been a rapid "re-connection" (re-coupling) between the psoriatically damaged skin area and the brain which has then responded to help restore the patient's skin to normal. Also, in this case, the patient is young, which could also help expedite the healing process.

This case also suggests that psoriasis might develop due to dysfunction of cell receptors near the skin surface. This concept may also be the cause of other conditions such as skin disorders, hemorrhage, pain, itch etc. that often respond well to wheatgrass extract