A mother's molluscum testimonial
"Just wanted to drop you a line and say a huge thank you. Initially I thought my four year old daughter was developing skin tags, but very quickly the lumps and bumps quickly developed all over her stomach, groin and legs. After one got badly infected she was diagnosed by the GP with molluscum. He gave her antibiotics for the infection and said it was common virus and we should wait it out.
Not happy with the possibility that it could take 18 months (or longer) to clear on its own and seeing it spread like wildfire, I spent a long time looking on the Internet for a solution. Entirely sceptical, but willing to give anything a go rather than watch the distress it was causing, I used wheatgrass extract. I sprayed morning and night. After a week there was no real change, but it hadn’t become any worse either. Around day 10 the molluscum very quickly started to crust over and dry out. At two weeks they were healing and flattening and now at week 4 all that is left are some red marks that are fading fast.
I could literally weep with relief – thank you so, so much. Photos attached – feel free to use."
R. R. Australia.
Here are before and after photos showing how effectively the wheatgrass extract can eliminate the virus in just four weeks:

About molluscum in children
Molluscum contagiosum is a very common, contagious viral infection that mostly affects young children. It may be unsightly, but it is not a serious condition for either children or adults unless the lesions are treated (incorrectly) with various physical applications such as icing and burning that might cause considerable skin damage.
(View adult molluscum testimonials)
These viral lesions appear as small, sometimes itchy raised spots that can occur anywhere on the face or body. Although the condition is harmless, molluscum can be unsightly and distressing to patient and carers alike. Entry to public bathing areas may be refused.
How do children get molluscum?
The molluscum virus readily spreads by direct contact e.g. from family members or other children when swimming, playing, bathing or sharing towels, etc. The incubation period can vary between 2 to 24 weeks. If left untreated the spots will eventually disappear, but this could take 2 years or more.
I first saw my wheatgrass extract eliminate molluscum in 1996 when one of my sons contracted the virus. I was certain it would not work because at that stage no effective treatment was available. So, rather cautiously, I applied a little extract to his "spots" daily. Then, to my amazement, in four weeks, they had all disappeared! Since then, I've received numerous positive reports from parents (and from adult sufferers). It usually takes about 4 to 8 weeks to eliminate the virus and restore the skin to normal, but some recover more quickly.
– once on alternate days. Increasing the frequency of application is not necessary.
How does wheatgrass work?
Healing appears to be achieved by restoring the connection of damaged or dysfunctional cellular receptors that exist throughout the body, to the brain. Without that connection the brain will not be able to eliminate the virus.
For instance, the molluscum virus attacks a number of cellular receptors on the skin that blocks their connection to the brain. The virus is then able to spread anywhere via blood and lymphatic circulation. But, if you apply wheatgrass extract to one or two affected area(s) on alternate days, the ligands it contains can then reconnect dysfunctional receptors to the brain which then “restores” all virus affected cellular receptors. In time, usually a few weeks, the skin returns to normal.
This same approach applies to treating many other illnesses and injuries. So many other "difficult or untreatable" conditions respond positively to this treatment such as psoriasis, vitiligo, even leprosy (for which there is no available medical treatment). There is only one rule to follow - "less is best". Don't overtreat! It's wasteful, and it doesn't accelerate the healing process.
Molluscum, because it is caused by a virus, can not be cured with drugs. However, wheatgrass extract is not a drug - it is a safe herbal extract that contains the many ligands required to assist re-connection of dysfunctional cellular receptors to the brain - and "normalising" the affected skin.
Also, wheatgrass extract is perfectly safe to apply anywhere on the skin, including the genital area.
How long will it take the extract to work?
Apply it just once every second day over the worst affected areas. In the first two or three weeks, you won’t see much change. In fact the spots may spread further at the beginning but this indicates the extract is working. It may take several weeks for the brain to destroy the virus, so try to persevere. Molluscum is not a harmful infection, it's just unsightly.
Finally, because of the way the extract works, only apply to the worst affected areas. In other words, under-treat rather than over-treat, and don't rub the extract in - it's not necessary.
Also, in the early stage of treatment, you may see increased numbers of spots, redness, enlargement of some, and perhaps some yellowish colouration. Don't worry, this means the extract is active. (And don't throw the half empty container away. There are many other potential uses for the extract.
Another Testimonial:
"My 3 year old son had a bad case of Molluscum, it was all over his torso & spread to his arms, it was very lumpy & angry looking & it was bothering him. I went to the GP & he said the only cure was to prick everyone with a needle & squeeze out the contents. As you can imagine this isn't an option with a 3 year old! He said as my son was so little this probably wouldn't work so just to wait it out, & one day the body would realize it was there & would heal it. The last straw for me was when I was called to pick him up from Kids Church because of the "rash" he had, was thought to be contagious to the other children. I then searched on google to see if there was something else I could do for him, & I came across " Wheatgrass" I was desperate & thought well it can't hurt.
I was amazed at the results, within 12 days there was a major improvement, the spots had reduced by half. It brought all the cores of the spots to the surface & they were easily wiped away or gently squeezed out. Within 25 days he had no more spots! He had scars from where the spots were, but they have completely gone now, you wouldn't know he ever had it.
Thank you so much, it was AMAZING! I have photographs if you would like to see. (before, 12 days in & 25 days in)."
As you can see in the pics below, wheatgrass extract has yet again worked its magic.