Burns: Wheatgrass assists healing

Efficacy and tolerability of Fitostimoline in two different forms (soaked gauzes and cream) and Citrizan Gel in the topical treatment of second-degree superficial cutaneous burns.

Martini, P., Mazzatenta, C. & Saponati, G. (2011) Derm. Res. and Practice; 2011, 1-8.

Fitostimoline is a topically applied agent whose main active ingredient is a water extract of Triticum vulgare, a species of wheat. Citrizan Gel is a product that contains an enzyme (catalase) derived from horses. Both of these agents have been reported to improve wound healing. The current study compared them to determine if one was superior.

Clinical Trial:
Researchers enrolled 227 patients with medium-sized, second degree (blistering) burns to participate in this clinical trial. Volunteers received one of three possible treatments, a wheatgrass extract (Fitostimoline) cream, Fitostimoline-soaked gauze, or Citrizan Gel. These treatments were applied as directed and patients were followed for up to 20 days. More patients treated with Fitostimoline had complete wound healing by the end of the trial than those treated with Citrizan Gel. Specifically, 97.3% of patients treated with Fitostimoline gauze and 91.5% of those treated with Fitostimoline cream healed in the study period. Only 84.5 of patients treated with Citrizan Gel were fully healed in that time. The difference is made even more impressive by the fact that, on average, the wounds were slightly smaller in the Citrizan Gel group at start (not statistically significant, however). Interestingly, the overall speed of burn wound healing was not significantly different between treatment groups. Combined Fitostimoline-treated groups reported slightly but significantly fewer overall symptoms, pain, and burning than catalase gel at end of study.

Conclusion: The wheat product, Fitostimoline, facilitated healing of a moderate second degree burn in human patients. This product was more effective than a catalase gel in the number of people who fully healed and was better at reducing symptoms of pain and burning sensation. Wheat grass extract soaked in gauzes are nominally more helpful than the extract used as a cream.

>>View telling evidence of wheatgrass for healing burns