Dear Dr Chris Reynolds, I would like to thank you for all your help and support. After almost 2,5 years topical steroid withdrawal, I am feeling much better skin is strong. 90% healed. I still have neck that gets sunburnt easily in strong summer uv but the rest is great….
29 y.o. female. Atopic eczema/dermatitis since childhood. This young woman suffered severe nail damage due to prolonged daily topical steroid use for nearly 12 years. The patient was an operating theatre nurse where frequent hand-washing and possibly latex gloves caused inflammation around the nails. In the two pics on the…
A 60 year old financial planner was referred to me by his general practitioner because his facial herpes simplex (“cold sore” virus) was “out of control”. He wondered if wheatgrass might be able to help his patient. The patient had been treated for “eczema” with the topical steroid betamethasone – a…
Topical steroids will destroy your skin. Wheatgrass extract will normalise it Introduction Continuously throughout our bodies, billions of cellular receptors are receiving important signals from chemical messengers called ligands, that continuously inform the brain of any physical or physiological changes – so-called “feedback”. Without them, we would not survive. Unfortunately,…