How wheatgrass extract accelerates healing

Dr. Chris Reynolds. M.B.,B.S. Click pic for CV. Introduction Ever since 1995, I have used a particular type of wheatgrass extract to accelerate the healing of a broad spectrum of medical conditions and injuries – often when standard treatments had failed, (view examples), – that are completely devoid of adverse…

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ANEMIA: Wheatgrass extract helps

Chlorophyll has been attributed with “healing properties” since around the 1930’s. To this day such claims continue to be made by scientific institutions such as the Pauling Institute which are untrue. While chlorophyll certainly plays an extremely important role as an enzyme for producing oxygen that we all breathe, that…

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MINOR BURNS: Use warm water, not cold. (Research)

First-aid with warm water delays burn progression and increases skin survival M. Tobalemf, Y. Harderf, E. Tschanz, V. Speidel, B. Pittet-Cuénod, R. Wettstein Summary First aid treatment for thermal injuries with cold water removes heat and decreases inflammation. However, perfusion in the ischemic zone surrounding the coagulated core can be…

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CRAMPS: Apply wheatgrass extract for faster relief

Everyone’s had a cramped muscle at some time or other, but for many sufferers, they occur frequently, causing distressful pain that is almost impossible to relieve. Cramps often occur in: •    The elderly – about 30% over age 60 and 50% over 80 – mostly at night. They are often…

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