Case No. 1. This patient accidentally burned herself on a hot stove top. The original burn (at left) is quite deep, inflamed and open, making it prone to infection – a common complication of burns. After one week’s daily treatment with wheatgrass extract, the wound has completely healed with new skin…
Severe radiation burn showing raw, open wound 3 days after last treatment. Patient in severe pain with no relief from Sorbolene cream). (1 Feb. 2016) Same day. Marked radiation burn over treated area. Note light coloured horizontal scar from initial melanoma excision one year ago. Same day, after shower. Wheatgrass extract…
An extraordinary physical response to wheatgrass extract The remarkable restoration of movement of this patient’s supposedly “fixed” shoulder movement caused by severe burn contractures, was witnessed by nine doctors (including myself), and four medical students, during an outpatient clinic at a teaching hospital in Indore, India. Three months earlier, the…
Skin cancer accounts for 45 to 80% of all equine (horse) cancers, the most common type being sarcoid tumours. Wikipedia Applying just a small amount of wheatgrass extract over the affected area(s) once a week can help remove these tumours and heal surrounding damaged skin, as shown in Case No….
6 August 04. Split lower lip. Present approx. 12 months. Severe pain and unable to laugh or smile. Numerous failed attempts at healing. 20 August 04. Wound healed two weeks after one application of wheatgrass extract. This young male suffered for 12 months from a very painful split lower lip,…
1. Wound not healed after 9 years. Wheatgrass treatment commenced. 2. One week wheatgrass. Wound size 20% of original. 3. At 7 months, wound almost healed. Surface dry and clean. 4. Another week and the wound is healed The Patient’s Story: In 2006 I was bitten on my hand by…
Fig.1. Bluebottle (jellyfish) sting from under the bell (head). Wheatgrass extract applied. Fig.2. 1 hour and 15 minutes later wound is pain-free and rash barely visible. Fig.1. Abdominal stings from jellyfish tentacles. Wheatgrass extract applied. Fig.2. 30 minutes later, no pain, no visible rash. The Victim’s Wife Reports: Gary sprayed wheatgrass…
This is a case of a young woman who suffered a severe reaction soon after fruit acid peel treatment to her facial skin. Application of wheatgrass extract returned her skin to almost normal after only three days. (See figure below). The mild eczema seen on the right was present prior…
29 y.o. female. Atopic eczema/dermatitis since childhood. This young woman suffered severe nail damage due to prolonged daily topical steroid use for nearly 12 years. The patient was an operating theatre nurse where frequent hand-washing and possibly latex gloves caused inflammation around the nails. In the two pics on the…
Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer (Qidong , China). Egner, P. et al. 2001. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2001; 98:14601-14606 Residents of the area are at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) partly as a result of ingesting aflatoxin. Chlorophyllin was shown to be an inhibitor…