Efficacy and tolerability of Fitostimoline in two different forms (soaked gauzes and cream) and Citrizan Gel in the topical treatment of second-degree superficial cutaneous burns. Martini, P., Mazzatenta, C. & Saponati, G. (2011) Derm. Res. and Practice; 2011, 1-8. Background: Fitostimoline is a topically applied agent whose main active ingredient…
Thalassemia: Wheatgrass Shows Promise As An Effective Inducer Of Fetal Hemoglobin Reynolds, C. Australasian Integrative Med. Assoc. August, 2004. Background: Thalassemia is a genetic disorder where haemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body is not made correctly. There are a number of different types of thalassemias, which can vary in…
Dermatologic evaluation of yeast, tyrothricin, chlorophyll and nitrofurazone. Johnson, H. 1948. Arch. Dermatol. Syph. 57:348-351 Background: Dermatologists have a number of powerful drugs at their disposal to treat infections of the skin. Generally speaking, however, the more powerful the drug, the worse the side effects are for the patient. Researchers…
The role of iron chelation activity of wheat grass juice in blood transfusion requirement of intermediate thalassaemia. Mukhopadhyay. S., Mukhopadhyay. A., Gupta. P., Kar. M., Ghosh. A. 2007 Am. Soc. Hematol. Ann. Background: The authors noted there was no satisfactory explanation for reduced blood transfusion requirements in thalassemia major patients…
Chlorophyll: A preliminary report of its use in two cases of second and third degree burns. Hawton, H. 1950. Med.J.Aust. 337-340. Background: In addition to being exceptionally painful, second and third degree burns disrupt the skin’s natural protective barrier and make sufferers vulnerable to various infections. Modern burn therapy includes keeping…
Preliminary report of clinical use and rationale. Gruskin B. Am. J. Surg. Jul 1940;49-55 Elimination of bacterial infections relies on two approaches: • destruction of bacteria by administering certain chemical compounds, and/or • building up the body’s resistance to bacteria. The former approach is generally associated with a number of…
Use of phytostimolin vaginal cream and lavage in cervical dystrophy after dilatation and curettage of the cervix. Bottino. G. et al. Minerva Ginecol. Mar 1991;43(3):123-5. (View abstract offsite) A group of Italian doctors in Turin performed a double-blind study on 60 women with vaginal dystrophy using a herbal cream that contained phytostimolin derived from…
The effect of the topical application of several substances on the healing of experimental cutaneous wounds. Brush, B., Lamb, C. 1942. Surgery. 12:355-363 Wounds made on the abdominal wall of guinea pigs were treated with various substances, including chloramines, urea crystals and chlorophyll ointment. None were found to consistently exert an accelerating effect on…
Antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) extracts on chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cell line. Karadag, A., Ozkan, T., Altinok, B., Aydos, S., Sunguroglu, A. 2007. Planta Med. 73 ABSTRACT: Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals and it has higher phenolic and…
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions. Kulkarni S, Tilak J, Acharya R, Rajurkar N, Devasagayam T, Reddy A. 2006. Phytother. Res. 20:218-227 Antioxidant levels (phenolic and flavonoid compounds) of water-based (i.e. wheatgrass juice) and alcohol-based extractions of wheatgrass were…