Thalassemia. Wheatgrass reduces blood transfusion requirements

Wheat grass juice reduces transfusion requirements in patients with thalassemia major: a pilot study. Marwaha, R., Bansal, D., Kaur, S., Trehan A. 2004. Indian Ped. 41:716-720 Patients with thalassemia consuming wheat grass juice on a daily basis reduced on average their requirements for blood transfusion. Families raised and prepared the wheat grass…

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Anti-cancer – aflatoxins & chlorophyllin

Mechanisms of chlorophyllin anticarcinogenesis against aflatoxin B1: Complex formation with the carcinogen. Breinholt, V., Schimerlik, M., Dashwood, R., Bailey, G.  1995. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1906.8, 506-514. Background: Aflatoxins are fungal poisons that are also potent cancer-causing agents (carcinogens).  Aflatoxin B1 is produced by a species of fungus, Aspergillus that is…

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Cancer cell growth inhibited by wheatgrass

A class of DNA-binding peptides from wheat bud causes growth inhibition, G2 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction in HeLa cells Mancinelli, L., DeAngelis, PM., Annulli, L., Padovini, V., Elgjo, K., Gianfranceshi, GL. Molecular Cancer 2009, 8:55, 2009. Background: Peptides (small chains of amino acids) from a number of sources…

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Anti-cancer effect and chlorophyll

Antimutagenic activities of common vegetables and their chlorophyll content. Lai, C., Butler, M., Matney, T. 1980. Mut. Res. 77(3):245-250. Extractions from vegetables (carrots, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, spinach, broccoli) inhibited mutagenic activity in standard assays. Inhibitory activity was correlated with chlorophyll content. 

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Wheat assists oral cancer patients

Opinion of Hungarian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons on the justification of supportive treatment (wheat germ) of patients with tumorous diseases of the oral cavity. Barabás J, Német Z. Orv Hetil. (2006):147(35):1709-11. PDF For patients suffering from malignant head- and neck tumors, Avemar (wheat germ) increases the therapeutic effects of…

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Anti-cancer effects of wheatgrass not due to chlorophyll

Mechanism of antimutagenicity of wheat sprout extracts. Peryt, B., Szmczyk, T., Lesca, P. 1992. Mut. Res. 269:201-215. A supernatant extract from wheat grass reduced the production of carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon (benzopyrene) derivatives. Inhibition of benzopyrene mutagenicity with non-chlorophyll containing wheat sprout extract suggests that chlorophyll is not the main compound responsible.

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Anti-cancer effects of wheatgrass

Antimutagenic effects of several subfractions of extract from wheat sprout toward benzo[a]pyrene-induced mutagenicity in strain TA98 of Salmonella typhimurium. Peryt, B.,Miloszewska, J., Tudek, B., Zielenska, M., Szymczyk, T. 1988. Mut. Res. 206:221-225. An aqueous extract from wheat sprout appears to contain two antimutagenic factors as assayed in laboratory bacteriological tests. One compound…

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Grass juice factor

Evidence for an unidentified growth factor(s) from alfalfa and other plant sources. Lakhanpal,R., Davis, J., Typpo, J., Briggs, G. 1966. J, Nutr. 89(3):341-346 Factor(s) important for growth in guinea pigs were found in alfalfa, broccoli and grass clippings. They may or may not be related to the ‘grass juice factor’, but are organic in nature…

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Wheatgrass may help slow dementia development

Water extract of triticum aestivum leaf and its components demonstrate protective effect in a model of vascular dementia Hyung Soo Han, Jung-Hee Jang, Jae Hee Jang, Jung Sook Choi, Yoon Jung Kim, Chan Lee, Sun Ha Lim, Hyeong-Kyu Lee, and Jongwon Lee. J. Medicinal Food (3) 2010, 572–578 Background: Vascular dementia (VD) is…

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Chlorophyll has no wound healing ability

Chlorophyll in wound healing and suppurative disease. Bowers, W. 1947. Am. J. Surg. 1947;73:37-50. Lieutenant Colonel Bowers of the US Army reports on the use of water-soluble derivatives of chlorophyll in over 400 cases over a period of nine months. He (and colleagues) noted several major effects, notably: loss of…

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