Chlorophyll and wound healing. Experimental and clinical study. Lam, C., Brush, B. 1950 Am. J. Surg. 8:204-210. 1950. Chlorophyll was used in an experiment with cutaneous wounds in guinea pigs, and in treating dermatome donor sites, clinical burns and surgical wounds and ulcers in human patients. Wound healing in guinea pigs showed…
The effect of stage of growth on the chemistry of the grasses. Kohler G. J. Biol. Chem. 1944. 152:215-223 Younger grass tends to be richer in protein, soluble carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin. Using oats, Kohler found that several of the vitamins, protein, crude fat and chlorophyll reached peak concentrations at or…
Kohler G, Elvehjem C, Hart E. Science. 1936. 445 Growth of rats increases on a diet of milk produced on summer pasture compared with milk produced from winter feeding conditions. i.e. fodder. When grass juice was added to the winter milk diet, growth doubled from 2 to 4 grams a day….
Randle S, Sober H, Kohler G. J. Nutr. 1940. 20:459-466 Guinea pigs were fed on winter milk plus various supplements. Those fed on a supplement rich in the grass juice factor (rye grass) showed strong growth. Various plants were assayed for the grass juice factor. Based on average weight gain in guinea pigs…
Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Ben-Arye E.; Goldin E.; Wengrower D.; Stamper A.; Kohn R.; Berry E. 2002. Scand. J. Gastroenterology, Vol:37.4:444-449(6) Background: Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease in which lesions form in the lining of the large…
A mission to India Arriving in Mumbai from Australia the day after a major terrorist attack there left me feeling a little uneasy. After all, I had only come to India to see leprosy patients whose leg ulcers were being treated with wheatgrass extract. Some reports had been encouraging. We…
Infantile eczema (elbow skin severely damaged by topical steroids) almost completely healed in 3 weeks using wheatgrass extract Fig. 1. Topical steroid skin damage. Note wrinkled, scaling. inflamed red skin. Fig. 2. TS ceased. 3 weeks after daily wheatgrass extract. Damaged skin almost recovered. Same child. Infantile facial eczema Topical…
About herpes zoster – “Shingles” Herpes zoster virus infection (“shingles”) can often be very painful and debilitating. It is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (which this patient had previously been infected with), usually in childhood. The virus remains dormant (inactive) in one of the nerve roots…
A 60 year old financial planner was referred to me by his general practitioner because his facial herpes simplex (“cold sore” virus) was “out of control”. He wondered if wheatgrass might be able to help his patient. The patient had been treated for “eczema” with the topical steroid betamethasone – a…
Topical steroids will destroy your skin. Wheatgrass extract will normalise it Introduction Continuously throughout our bodies, billions of cellular receptors are receiving important signals from chemical messengers called ligands, that continuously inform the brain of any physical or physiological changes – so-called “feedback”. Without them, we would not survive. Unfortunately,…