Wheatgrass helped this young girl recover from topical steroid damage. Her life also changed from “not too good” to “much better” in a very short period of time. Her Pre-wheatgrass status: Severe eczema, 90% body surface poorly controlled. Numerous medications prescribed by: Dermatologist Immunologist Endocrinologist Her treatments were multiple: Oral steroids…
A mother’s molluscum testimonial “Just wanted to drop you a line and say a huge thank you. Initially I thought my four year old daughter was developing skin tags, but very quickly the lumps and bumps quickly developed all over her stomach, groin and legs. After one got badly infected…
Case No.1. Large, inflamed molluscum spots, some pus-filled. due to cantharone. 9 days later, lesions have flattened & some have almost disappeared. Notice there is less inflammation & pus is no longer present. Mother’s Story: “My daughter B is doing very well. Wheatgrass extract has made a huge difference to…
About Psoriasis Psoriasis is a common skin condition worldwide. It is characterised by flaking, plaque (thickened skin) and itchiness, and can affect all ages. It is thought to be due to the body’s immune system attacking the skin and disrupting its normal functions – a so-called “auto-immune disease.” Psoriasis affects…
Video 1: Case No. 1. Here, a wheatgrass extract recovers joint movements by a stroke patient, 7 years after the original event. Only a small amount of wheatgrass extract was applied to the patient’s hand, then he regained almost 100% hand movement in about ten minutes. Regular follow-up was continued for…
Fig. 1. A squamous cell carcinoma (malignant skin cancer) was excised from the patient’s finger 30 days before this picture was taken. A skin graft was applied, but failed after a month of daily dressings. Fig. 2. Just 16 hours after application of wheatgrass extract, loose skin has disappeared and…