Childhood Leukemia (1 testimonial)

My 7 year old daughter, K. has Leukemia.  The treatment for Leukemia is 2 1/2 years for girls and 3 1/2 years for boys.  Being on Chemotherapy for years can be very destructive to the body. When I purchased your products I must admit that I was really worried about…

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Leg and foot ulcers (16 testimonials)

I wanted to write a review regarding all three wheat grass products that I purchased the spray the cream an edible I had a huge sore on my leg a leg ulcer for quite a while I used medihoney to heal it to no avail would it heal I have…

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Irritable bowel syndrome (5 testimonials)

G’day Dr. Chris I take super shots daily as I was having trouble with my stomach IBS. I now also take it for general health as most of my IBS symptoms have been alleviated. I also use the super balm and skin recovery cream for fissures and other things like cuts sunburn…

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Keratosis (3 testimonials)

Dr Wheatgrass cleared my Sons Moluscum and also a skin keratosis on my leg. It took about 8 weeks for the keratosis to dry up & flake off and now you would never know it even existed. There is no sign of it on my skin 🙂 L. H. Australia….

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INFERTILITY: Wheatgrass extract can aid conception

Some women with difficulty conceiving have become pregnant by taking half a teaspoonful of wheatgrass extract (Supershots) daily. Take just HALF A TEASPOONFUL (2.5ml) of wheatgrass extract (Dr Wheatgrass Supershots) TWICE A WEEK. (e.g. Monday/Thursday – and persevere), and hold the liquid in the mouth for a minute before swallowing….

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Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (2 testimonials)

My best friend Dr. M.F. had me try some of your wheatgrass and it has helped my extremely rare blood disorder – severe idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura with atrial fibrillation !!!!! / note there is only one other patient like myself in the entire world that the national rare disease center…

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HIV/AIDS (1 testimonial)

I’ve been HIV+ for a couple of years but my blood results are still good enough not to start with medication. I’ve been using wheatgrass shots internally for a year or two and have always been happy with the results and will keep on doing that. Thank you for your help. R….

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Hemorrhoids (8 testimonials)

Ask Dr. Chris about treating hemorrhoids with wheatgrass extract This works on hemorids so much better than prep h and so much faster. Worth every penny I spent on it! L.F.  US 19 August, 2022 Very effective! Effective remedy for various types of skin issues: Itching, sores, scratches, cuts, anal…

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Cold sores/herpes simplex (5 testimonials)

Good product I’ve been using this product for awhile & it helps heal all sorts of skin irritations. Last week I used it on a cold sore & was amazed how it healed me so quickly. I’ll keep on purchasing.(cream) P.D. USA. 2 July, 2021 Works Great for Cold Sores!…

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