I have extremely painful Sciatica that shoots like electric shocks from my bottom and down my right leg to my ankle 24/7. This is due to referred pain from my lower back as I have bulging discs. My daughter suggested I try your super balm which she had in…
‘I have a child with autism, and from my experience and that of other parents of children with this problem, it seems these children’s bodies have issues detoxing properly. They have problems with methlyation and sulphanation, which are processes of detoxing and repairing the body. So that causes their body…
Osteoarthritis At the beginning of March both of my hands were operated on for Carpal Tunnel. The surgery was an instant success where I have much more movement in each hand and no more of the associated numbness. Unfortunately the heels of my hands have been extremely sensitive and of…
I just wanted to write to say thankyou for your excellent products and informative website. I have been giving my toddler supershots and wheatgrass spray for about 6 weeks and her skin is 2 to 3 times better. She still has eczema but it doesn’t seem to bother her much…
Wonderful for small wrinkles, eczema, and molluscum warts! We noticed a difference in just a week Steph. USA. Amazon Customer 24 October, 2017 The best skin product ever! I’ve been using Dr Wheatgrass cream and gel for over 15 years, started using them when living in Australia. Best cream for…
I had issues a few years back on this subject. Of course, surgery was recommended. Started using the Recovery cream and never looked back. It was truly a miracle. Within a few days, the fissure healed and such relief! I ALWAYS keep a tube on hand just in case. To…
I thought it was worth asking if your products would help my 4 year old daughter who has had a cough for months and doctors only put it to viral infections she keeps getting. If not, I wanted to thank you for your miracle cream all the same! Sincerely, A….
Last December, my mother noticed a bald patch about 3cm diameter on the back of my head. A few weeks later, I realized I was losing a lot of hair. There were lots of bald patches now. My parents suggested I should go to the doctor, but I was reluctant…
It is certainly versatile! For my daughter’s adolescent acne, it worked slowly but shortly after we noticed acne is improving. She is also atopic (eczema)and screams from her back itchiness, but it settled the day she applied it! I have sensitive skin … When I first applied to my face,…
Just some feedback on the use of the cream on my (infected) sebaceous cyst. I was a bit skeptical as the cyst was so inflamed and pus coming out all the time, but I started applying it anyway. For 2 days nothing much happened, but then at night time it…