I was born with one of the most embarrassing and possibly the worst skin condition there is. It’s called Acanthosis Nigrican. My normal skin color is very light and the Acanthosis is extremely noticeable. The acanthosis covers about 80 percent of my body and I’ve never been able to take…
What is gangrene? Gangrene, (necrosis, or death of tissue short of death of the patient) usually develops from bacterial infection or obstruction of blood flow to various areas – particularly the hands and feet. If blood supply is cut off, the tissue becomes “necrotic” i.e. some of the tissue dies…
‘Hot spots’, or acute moist dermatitis, frequently affect dogs and can drive the animal crazy. These areas of itchy dermatitis (as seen in the photo) can be difficult to control. My dog Ollie, a Shetland collie, developed a number of them on his back and abdomen (like the lesions in…
Case No.1: 20-year-old with severe acne This 20-yr-old female suffered severe acne for six years. She was unresponsive to multiple treatments prior to commencing wheatgrass. I advised her to apply the wheatgrass extract spray over the affected areas just twice weekly, and persevere. (Most conditions respond best to “less” rather…
Summary Veterinary surgeons found that wheatgrass extract accelerates the healing of open wounds and dermatitis in animals. Methods 19 surgeons took part, (none having prior experience of wheatgrass as a healing agent), treating mainly horses, cats and dogs. 110 questionnaires were returned and vets were paid a nominal fee for…
Case No. 1. Healing of large uninfected horse wound with wheatgrass This horse suffered a large full thickness wound when skin was torn off when it ran into a wire fence. There has been significant healing in just 7 weeks after wheatgrass extract applied just twice weekly. Note how clean…
The patient’s story: Having a sore on my leg for some 5 years, which would itch so much i would have to scratch it making it bleed, after two years I made first trip to Doctor “A.” who took a Biopsy it came back benign and then the doctor burnt…
Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) are commonly related to stress. Hence the nickname “stress ulcers”. Stress can suppress the body’s immune status by raising levels of naturally produced steroids in the blood. This can result in a number of disorders including mouth or aphthous ulcers. These ulcers are usually quite painful,…
A painful shoulder A 35 year old piano salesman suffered a nasty shoulder injury at work a year earlier, then suddenly, his shoulder “froze”. Any kind of movement invoked severe pain. He was unable to sleep, and working at his job was difficult. Steroid injections and physiotherapy provided some temporary…
Wheatgrass extract is a highly effective hemostatic agent – it stops bleeding from open wounds, deep-seated bleeding in muscles, and even a “blood nose”, where two or three drops of wheatgrass extract applied inside or over the bleeding nostril with a cotton bud/Q-tip, is sufficient, then apply pressure to the…